
  1. Once you have watched this videso. It is a good time for you to post your experience about any situation that had happened to you in which the murphy law was applied. Have fun... Ah.. this is for evaluation.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. excellent the topic ...
    I like this happens to get up some mornings I go to work ...
    and as I discuss in class the dilemma of the umbrella to go to the office,
    I do not I'll take it and it rains ... hehe

    1. So, you´d better take your umbrella with you. Just in case. See you in class and thanks for participating in this blog.

  4. excellent video..
    I had days trying to see a doctor but he was always busy with patients, later his secretary tell me that only three patients had to wait for him, so i did but being a lone in the room the doctor had to go and did not receive me, worse was 8 PM lol.........

    1. I am so sorry. Its the Murphy law´s fault. Lets be happy when things like this happen. Thanks for participating in this blog.

  5. I remenbered my friend and I decided to went to a bar for talking and had a good time but When we are in front to a bar the ligth went off in this moment we had to go home...

    1. Sorry about the lights. Thanks God there were more weekends to enjoy. Good face in bad situations works. Thanks for participating in this blog.

  6. In my dance of graduation. A friend had a really nice dress but she had a really problem because the tablecloths are same to her dress , but she decided to keep calm and enjoyed the party that really bad lucky

  7. A before day of giving birth the doctor tell me that I have to go to hospital because my daughter would be born in any moment, but I went to carry my daughter to her ballet class and next day I went very early at hospital (I didn't went at hospital in the night because I should stay didn't eat all night).
    But the doctor didn't was there when I arrived to hospital because he had said that was in the afternoon when he was free, but I did not pay attention so I gave me birth alone and I was all day without eating.

    1. Your story was impressing . Thanks God your daughter is ok.
      Thanks for participating in this blog.

  8. Last day i needed some documents of the university and i searched it in all the house and i didn't find it, and I gave them up for lost but in the weekend i don't searched it and i found it.

  9. My experience with murphy's law is every days because I have always small negative thoughts. Example
    I was gonna go out with my boyfriend, but I did not want to leave, but I did.
    That day crash me with a phone booth in front of many people.

    1. So watch what is in front of you when walking. Chatting is not a choice.

      Thanks for participating in this blog.

  10. I remember when I was studying in the UTP we had a test and I studied almost everything but Only a topic I did not study and I Thought that the topic was not important. when the teacher gave us the test, the test had 4 question and two question were about the topic that I did not study......

    1. OMG.
      So you had better study everything. I hope you got a good grade anyways.
      Thanks for your participation in this blog.

  11. A year and a half ago, I went to two job interviews. In an interview, I was late, do not use an appropriate dress, I had not the best interview, but was considered to work in the company. Then I went to another job interview, arrive early, I used the best clothes, I gave the best of my for the interview but could not win the job. When something has to happen, it happens without warning, Whether or not prepared.
    Luis Villarreal.

    1. An appropriate dress, posture and mental preparation are good tools to have a good job interview experience.
      Thanks for participating in this blog.

  12. In 2013 I went for my professional practice of University in Remon Cantera Racecourse, Juan Diaz, that day I went bit late. I was nervous and didn't want to drive and there was traffic very hard for everywhere. I drove fast and I thought that I could have an accident so I wanted come back to my home, in this moment there was a row for turn left and the traffic light became green and I changed of lanes and this moment I felt a blow back. A car collided with my car.

    1. OMG. Things like this may happen, Sorry....
      Thanks for participating in this blog.

  13. Murphy's Law, there are different theories
    It may be wrong, wrong ....
    In my work with the wave of corruption that crosses the country.
    I thought because so many people the previous period? I followed standard ... which I never thought was that these people, in the previous period, would ask me the favor to help them to work in a hotel, task mastery of those people, but when I tell you, I can continue to help, if not help not increase my salary and I was dismissed from the job.
    Conclusion: I have no political power.
    It may be wrong, good….
    When I was studying my degree in statistics, one of the teachers did not want me in his class, he left me because I could not be in his class, I had to make subjet for each course to run, he never let me enter his classes, he helped greatly to my colleagues, but not to me, when I finished my career, I was the only one to graduate, my classmates, all pf them, they failed that subjet and they could not validated it. Finally, I Finish by my self, ... only my self ... and I got graduating.

  14. The front door of my house never closes but yesterday to leave the keys inside the hill was alone and I had to wait my husband arrived shortly.
    Save for one year without using a shirt, i decided to give it away, do not spend more than a week when needed.
    My boss rarely comes early , just when I 'm late

    1. OMG... Sorry Clotilde.... What can we do when the Murphy´s law happens.
      Thanks for participating in this blog.

  15. In my country there are shortages of some products, I bought some things to send with a friend who was traveling to my country. especially a very important medicine, it is wrapped and save for it not to go to break. when i gave it my friend , I forgot the medicine and when I remembered it, he was gone. I was very sad !

    1. I know about the shortages of stuff in your country. I know you all want to help each other and this is good.
      Thanks for participating in this blog.

  16. The theory of murphys law is really case at all in different moments and situation, for example at me, I had any days wake up later for going to work and this day was difficult getting transport and arrive early at job, after to be bad day, cuz I had delay do work in the office.
    The lesson is we be cautious for getting we have day and little disadvange

    1. Panama is synonym of traffic jam. Sorry what happens.
      Thanks for participating in this blog.

  17. Last year I had my expired license and was driving my car just my wife. One day while at work was necessary to change a vehicle in the parking position that blocked an entrance. there was no other person who could hand drive and I did. when you put me behind a policeman stopped the car that had the plate and ask expired license he was also expired. I was fined.

    1. Sorry for this.
      Thanks for participating in this blog.

  18. Murphys Law is real, some days are bad.
    In my experience, the last week I was sick and way to my job had automovilistic accident, then I had more paint.
    However the day that woke up late the traffic was terrible.

  19. the Murphy law has way differents of express what happen
    in my experience if you are on shopping mall and want buy favorite things then you wll forget the credit card in my house.
    and my sister wants go to party then she will feel bad before of go

  20. The Murphy law is so funny and too real, it happended to me at different moments of my life. A example could be when I was in the university and I had a lot of homework for monday and then that same weekend were all the partys, some trip or something to do

  21. this law happens every single day, for example yesterday I didn't have to go anywhere and where I live the day was beautiful but today I just put a leg out of the house and start to rain, it doesn't fair...😣

  22. The Murphy's law can happen in anywhere and anytime of life. "If somthing can be will be wrong"
    Reallý it's a phrase...but everyone in anytime of his life,once lives the murphys law.
    In my case, with my family, but me specially, we love go to the beach and we plane carefully each trip. Generally,when each component of the family can go, the weather is bad, is rainy... And we's Murphy's law...and we laugh

  23. Murphy's Law is real. My expirience with murphy's law is every single day. Actually, today i asked for delivery because i was so hungry, after traveling for hours, but no place answered the phone and it was raining in that moment. Finally,Two hours later one place answered me

  24. when you get ready for a sunny day and it rains. or when they invite you to leave always and the day you can that person can not marielem R

  25. The Murphy law I think it is our destiny that makes us a good or bad day. It may be that things that start bad end well or otherwise

  26. Murphy's law is real and happens all the time. Yesterday I parked on the second floor of my office and near the door. When I left the elevator, a colleague had many things in his hands and I helped him. But his car was on the third floor and we walked up. Of course I remembered this law and this class.
    Elaine Rodrigues

  27. The Murphys Law is real and it happens to me every day.
    Example. If i try to eat healthy, I will find only bad food in my fridge. I think that is normal for all the people, the resume of this topic are, All the people have a good and a bad days.

  28. Isis Flaville January 31, 2018

    When the Teacher gave the class about tourist in Panama was very interestin and dinamic. this class was important for us because we can get a lot of information and know different things of Panama country.

  29. very funny funny video the murphy's law happens me al time in my daily life when y wake up and go to my job or college i dont have the way to try this not happen me for example one have a have a job inteview i wake up very early in the morne a some people close the street to make a strike that so really bad for me that day.

  30. In past years, I lost my identity card and I needed my Id this day so, I went to the Tribunal Electoral for a new Id. When I get home my Id was in my bed under the blanket.

  31. Very fun video! but I think that everything we do could to have explain but We called it The Murphy´s Law. Our perceptions and decisions affect our result. Even so its curious... for example when I go to be late and I run to take the bus and so the bus pass by, I prefer think is THE MURPHY´S LAW (not my guilty jaja xD).

  32. The Murphy´s law we live frecuently in our daily life therefore we must to learn take it, for example: if i wake up early to work; i will spend time in another things, thiking i will have plenty of time and i will late for work again.

  33. When I was in seventh grade, I was traveling in school bus to school but that day they had changed me for another one in the afternoon. My mom gave me money for any emergency. That Friday they were selling things and I bought at school.
    When it was time to leave, I went to look for the new bus where I had to go and it turns out that when I saw the bus it was leaving school and I ran and made signs but I did not reach it. When I went to see how much I had in my wallet I only had 0.25 cents and my cellphone had left it at home to call my mom. I started crying at school until one of the teachers saw me and gave money to return and I called my mom. I learned that I don´t have to spend all my money you don´t know when you´ll have an emergency.

  34. I spent three days looking for the cell phone charger throughout the house and the day I bought a new one, I found the other one under my bed where I had already searched several times.

  35. 2 years ago the air conditioner of my classroom got hurt for 2 entire months and all that days I brought my jacketn, and the day that the air conditioner got repaired I don't brought my jacket and it was so cold that I catched a cold that day and was a very stressing day.


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