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By watching these videos you will: a) Learn real English vocabulary, as spoken by real native speakers. You will learn English words and phrases that are used in real-life situations b) Practice and improve your listening skills and comprehension skills c) Learn proper pronunciation d) Learn useful English language expressions as well as phrases for conversation e) Feel that learning English can be fun! CLICK HERE TO DO THE ACTIVITY.
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Questions Asked by Employers Personal 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. What are your hobbies? 3. Why did you choose to interview with our organization? 4. Describe your ideal job. 5. What can you offer us? 6. What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? 7. Can you name some weaknesses? 8. Define success. Failure. 9. Have you ever had any failures? What did you learn from them? 10. Of which three accomplishments are you most proud? 11. Who are your role models? Why? 12. How does your college education or work experience relate to this job? 13. What motivates you most in a job? 14. Have you ever had difficulty getting along with a former professor/ supervisor/ co- worker and how did you handle it? 15. Have you ever spoken before a group of people? How large? 16. Why should we hire you rather than another candidate? 17. What do you know about our organization (products or services)? 18. Whe...
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LISTEN TO THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE ABOUT WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT HEADACHES. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN Answer the following questions and send it to the teacher's email: QUESTION BANK 1. What painkiller is used to cure temporary headache? 2. How many people in USA suffer chronic headache? 3. What is the US Headache Consortium doing? 4. What is causing one hundred fifty million people to miss workplaces each year? 5. What do doctors sometimes use to treat migraine headaches? 6. What do clinic experts say about aerobics? 7. What is biofeedback? 8. What website is recommended to get informed about headache? 9. Did you like this article? Did you learn something new? comment. THANK YOU for participating in this activity. Sorry the audio could no be played in some students. When you are done, you may go. I will read your answers and the next class we may talk about this article. You may view more articles at home during the weekend. Enter: www.l...
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Writing an Outline An outline is a “blueprint” or “plan” for your paper. It helps you to organize your thoughts and arguments. A good outline can make conducting research and then writing the paper very efficient. Your outline page must include your : Paper Title Thesis statement Major points/arguments indicated by Roman numerals (i.e., I, II, III, IV, V, etc.) Support for your major points, indicated by capital Arabic numerals (i.e., A, B, C, D, E, etc.) Roman numeral I should be your “Introduction”. In the introduction portion of your paper, you’ll want to tell your reader what your paper is about and then tell what your paper hopes to prove (your thesis). So an Introduction gives an overview of the topic and your thesis statement. The final Roman numeral should be your “Conclusion”. In the conclusion, you summarize what you have told your reader. Following are 3 sample outlines,...
Smith Sonian National Portrait Gallery at Washington DC.
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I went to the shops Submitted by admin on 26 November, 2011 - 07:12 This is a classic memory game where each person adds a new item to the list in alphabetical order. For example, student 1: “I went to the shops and I bought an apple”. Student 2: “I went to the shops and I bought an apple and a bike”. Student 3: “I went to the shops and I bought an apple, a bike and a coat”. This game can be adapted to different levels and lexical sets. I recently revised sports and the use of do/ play/ go by playing “I went to the sports centre……” It’s the same game, but using different vocabulary. For example, student 1: “I went to the sports centre and I did aerobics." Then “I went to the sports centre and I did aerobics and played basketball.” and then “I went to the sports centre and I did aerobics, played basketball and went canoeing.” etc. BY JO BUDDEN First published 2008
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ESL GROUP DYNAMICS - ESL lesson By: FRANKLIN JOHNSON < > ACTIVITY 1 : GETTING ACQUAINTED OBJECTIVES : To share something about self in a non-threatening way and learn from others. TIME LIMIT : 30 - 45 MINUTES PROCEDURES: A . 1. Form a circle of chairs. Allow the members of the group enough time to know each other by their names. 2. Let them pair off with somebody they would like to know better. 3. Ask the pairs to answer these questions: WHAT WAS THE MOST DIFFICULT DECISION YOU HAD TO MAKE IN YOUR LIFE? WHAT WAS THE EASIEST? GIVE THE PAIR 7 MINUTES TO THINK THEM OVER AND DISCUSS THEM WITH THEIR PARTNERS. 4. Ask the pairs to put themselves in each other's shoes when reporting their reactions to questions. So each starts with " I am ___________ (the name of the partner)........." 5. Allow a volunteer pair to talk about themselves to the group first. Continue until all pairs ...
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Remember that the class hours are not enough to acquire the level of English you are really expecting. Putting into practice language skills like reading understanding, writing, listening comprehension and speaking are necessary to enhance your language acquisition. I invite you to practice listening skills by using the folloing web page. Click on the link below. Teacher Ramón Guerra LISTENING ACTIVITIES CLICK HERE