L8 2016-2

Instructor: Ramón Guerra
Phone: 6645-99540  
E-mail: ramonguerra19@gmail.com
Class Day and Time:            Tuesdays - Thursdays, 6:00-8:00 pm, Apr 12th, 2016 / Jun 16th, 2016  Location:  CELI / Cromos Building, Vía España – Room
CELI Office:             Phone: 380-2200       E-mail: info@celionline.com

Course Description and Goals:
In this course you will use and increase your knowledge of English as a functional language. At the end of this course you will be able to:
·         Discuss past leisure activities and contrast them with current and future habits
·         Express truths and lies effectively, and identify strategies for determining the truth of others’ statements.
·         Describe and complain about home and health concerns, express sympathy, determine which cures and treatments someone has tried, and discuss other possible remedies.
·         Express your beliefs about and predict your actions in a number of hypothetical situations.
·         Speak fluidly for 7-9 minutes using correctly-formed complex sentences and questions in the past continuous, simple future, going to for future actions, simple past, present progressive, simple present, and topically relevant vocabulary.
·         Use reported speech to talk about a conversation or speech you heard in the past.
Course Texts:
            Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden, Paul Seligson (2013). American English File – Multi-Pack - Student Book/Workbook - Second Edition – Oxford University Press

You are expected to attend all classes, and participate fully in class activities, discussions, and homework. It is your responsibility to make up any work you miss. The teacher is not required to explain things you missed because you were absent, but he/she will make every effort to help you catch up outside of class. We are committed to helping you learn as much English as possible, and we expect you to be equally committed.  

Computer and Internet Resources
Online assignments will be completed in the CELI Computer Lab or as homework. You can also use the computer lab to do practice activities. Check the http://ors.celionline.com web page for a list of practice activities and online games for each unit in this level. The password is L8Apr2016.

Attendance and (10% of total grade):
You are expected to attend all classes.  You will receive 5 points for every class you attend (missing more than 30 minutes of class will affect your success in learning the necessary language skills – please do your best to arrive on time, and discuss any difficulties with your teacher).  If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will receive 4 points.  If you are more than 30 minutes late, you will receive 3 points or less.

Participation (20% of total grade):
You are expected to actively participate in every class.  Remember that the more you participate, the more you will improve your skills. 
Computer and Internet Activities (10% of total grade):
You will have one required internet assignments per unit (5 in total). If you complete the assignment with a score of 91% or better, you will receive 5 points. If you complete the assignment with a score of 81% to 90%, you will receive 4 points. If you complete the assignment with a score of 71% to 80%, you will receive 3 points.  If you complete the assignment with a score of 70% or less, you will receive 2 points.  If you do not complete the assignment, you will receive a 0 (0 points).

Projects (60% of total grade):
This course has four (4) projects. Each project will help you accomplish the level objectives. All students will complete and be assessed on all of the projects. Each project should have a written part and a speaking part. These parts will be assessed using a rubric which you will receive with feedback from your teacher.

At the end of levels two, four, six, eight, and ten, you will have the opportunity to receive a course certificate. If you receive a grade of satisfactory or higher, and miss no more than 4 week day classes, or 2 Saturday classes, you will be awarded a certificate according to your level. The certificates are:
           Basic (after level 2)
           High Beginner (after level 4)
           Low Intermediate (after level 6)
           Intermediate (after level 8)
           Upper Intermediate (after level 10)
           Advanced (after level 12)

            Attendance (100 possible points)                                                     10% of total grade
            Participation (100 possible points)                                                    20% of total grade    
            Computer and Internet Activities (30 possible points)                     10% of total grade
            4 Projects (each project is worth 15% of your total grade)              60% of total grade


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