Are you ready for the second project? It is time to select a good topic and a good TED talk to retell in class. 1. visit and identify a topic that you like. 2. watch the video several times 3. take notes of the sequence, details, vocabulary words 4. prepare to retell the TED talk to your classmates. Answer the following questions. 1. Why did you select this video? 2. What did you learned? 3. What new words did you learn? 4. Do you recommend this video to other people? **** You do not need to prepare a power point or any other visual aid. TALK IS ENOUGH.
The to-infinitive is used Examples 1. as subject . To find fault is easy. 2. as object . He refused to pay the bill. 3. after a noun . There is a lot of work to do/to be done today. 4. after an adjective . She was happy to win the prize. 5. after a question word . I don’t know what to do . 6. after the verb to be . She is to see her class teacher after school. 7. after certain verbs . He wants to become a lawyer. 8. after too/enough constructions. He has got enough money to live on. 9. with only to express disappointment. She came in only to find her boyfriend had left. 10. in expressions: to begin with/be ho...
PROJECT 1 HOW TO The objective of this project is to use the infinitives by telling students how to make, do, create or practice something. Students can use power point presentations, cardboards or make demonstrations. BE FULL CREATIVE YOU MAY SHARE YOUR PROJECT DESCRIPTION IN THE COMMENTS BELOW.
I am so happy to have students with great desire to improve their English skills. I really want you to comment your expectations about our course this current quarter. TEACHER RAMON GUERRA
Once that you have already try one time using Would you use this web site page again to practice your English? EXPLAIN Explain your experience during the class using this page.