Are you ready for the second project? It is time to select a good topic and a good TED talk to retell in class. 1. visit and identify a topic that you like. 2. watch the video several times 3. take notes of the sequence, details, vocabulary words 4. prepare to retell the TED talk to your classmates. Answer the following questions. 1. Why did you select this video? 2. What did you learned? 3. What new words did you learn? 4. Do you recommend this video to other people? **** You do not need to prepare a power point or any other visual aid. TALK IS ENOUGH.
After listening to the video about the 5 techniques to speak any language, I have noticed that unconscious I use one of these techs " shower conversation". For some days now I have tried to speak and think more often in English in order to familiarize myself with the pronunciation of some words. In addition to asking for help from some friends who speak English so that our conversations are in that language.